Active brothers are required to complete 20 hours of service. This number is halved to 10 for Associates and eliminated for Early Alums. Service hours must include at least one large group project and one hour of chapter publicity. You must host one service project.
All brothers are required to attend two chapter meetings each month. If you miss satisfying this requirement, you must attend the missed number of executive board meetings in the coming month. Participating on a committee will cover your hosting requirement for both service and fellowship.
All brothers must attend 7 fellowships. This number is halved to 3 for associates and eliminated for Early Alums. You must host one fellowship.
Your hours: {{service.serviceHours}}
Large group project: {{service.largeGroup}}
Publicity: {{service.publicity}}
Hosting: {{}}
Meetings attended this month: {{membership.meetings}} of {{membership.reqMeetings}}
Brother component: {{membership.brotherComponent}}
Pledge component: {{membership.pledgeComponent}}
Fellowship points: {{fellowship.points}} of {{fellowship.reqPoints}}
Hosting: {{}}